Un petit mot de l’experience d’Alex:
Après une longue période de restrictions sanitaires, nous avons eu l’opportunité de nous rendre à Valladolid avec des participantes venant de différents pays de l’Europe. Nous avons donc assisté aux différents ateliers qui étaient organisés sur des thèmes tels que la rétro-ingénierie, la réalité virtuelle et l’électronique.
C’est une occasion qui nous a permis non seulement d’apprendre beaucoup de nouvelles choses et de développer nos compétences mais aussi de créer des liens avec des participantes et des organisateurs de nationalités différentes et avec des parcours uniques.
L’expérience a été très enrichissante et les retours très positifs, un premier pas pour renforcer la confiance en soi-même et la curiosité des filles dans les métiers de la science.

A little note of the experience from Chloe:
For the Girls in STEM project, we went to Vallodolid in Spain for one week. We were a group of 5 arriving from France, meeting up with girls coming from Belgium, Poland and Spain!
We arrived at the hostel, which was just a short walk away from the main square and the Cathedral which was never completed! A story we learnt about when we went on a guided tour through the city.
The week was focused on Reverse engineering and we had a great time discovering together, and by the end of the week the group was really close and language barriers were no longer a concern. Each day, we left the hostel to head to the Youth centre, a beautifully modern and brand new building just outside the centre of the city, to find what activities Leonard and the rest of the Creatieve STEM team had set up for us!
The first activities included creating a story with an AR character and learning about 3D modelling. We were able to 3D scan ourselves and then print a miniature model using the 3D printers!

We also learnt about reverse engineering, where the challenges involved taking apart an old hair dryer and creating a smoke machine! And then discovering how to make a vacuum cleaner from a plastic bottle and motor!

The activities were great and gave us all an opportunity to meet each other and create new friends. In the evenings, we discovered the Spanish culture with a Salsa lesson, traditional meals and discovering the local bars! Overall the trip was a great experience! Next stop.. Toulouse!