Un petit mot de l’experience d’Alex:
Toujours dans le cadre du projet Girls in Stem, des participantes de plusieurs pays, (certaines ayant déjà participé aux ateliers qui avaient eu lieu à Valladolid) sont arrivées à Toulouse dans l’idée de s’enrichir davantage aussi bien dans l’aspect académique que humain. La semaine s’est très bien déroulée et les participantes ont montré un grand intérêt dans le thème des textiles électroniques.
Les résultats ont été magnifiques et les sourires étaient au menu à tout moment. Nous avons créé des liens très forts d’amitié,de solidarité et d’entraide qui sont essentiels pour favoriser une ambiance paisible et agréable.
A travers cette expérience, plusieurs filles ont retrouvé du plaisir et la motivation d’apprendre plus sur la couture, l’électronique ou même les langues étrangères. Quelle meilleure manière de clôturer la semaine!

A little note of the experience from Chloe:
For the second mobility of the Girls in STEM project, we were hosting in Toulouse! We had girls arriving from Poland, Belgium and Spain, all ready to learn about E-Textiles. It was a great week, where we discovered wearable technologies, sewing and circuits.
Toulouse is a beautiful city, and we were staying at a hostel just a few metro stops from the centre, giving the girls a chance to explore! Each day we would take the metro into the city, where we were running the activities. We would start with fun games to make sure that everyone was energised, before diving into the E-Textile projects.

The first few days were for learning the basics. We created test circuits using conductive fabric and thread which could then be used to test our components. We each created our own buttons and stroke sensors all from textiles, as well as a flapping wing and flipping eye which used electromagnet that we created ourselves!

Then, from these activities we were all set to be more adventurous! We designed our own plush creations, ranging from rockets to monsters, and even a teletubbie was made! We planned out our circuits so that they would be interactive and started sewing!

On Wednesday it was the 4th July – a french holiday celebrating the French revolution. With no activities on this day, the girls had the opportunity to explore the city, have a guided tour and watch the fireworks at night!
On Thursday, a cultural party was organised. At the hostel, the group each brought different snacks and drinks from their countries and shared time together with games, music and a lot of dancing!

At the end of the week, after sharing all our creations together, it was sad to see everyone go! But we’re looking forward to the final round at Ghent at the end of October!