activités précédentes
Séminaire intéractif de Vulca
Mobilité se déroulant à Ljubljana, en Slovénie, réunissant plus de 100 passionnés de FabLabs venus des quatre coins de l’Europe.
The EASE Spring Conference
Cet événement se concentrera sur le développement et le partage de connaissances sur les pédagogies, les outils et les méthodologies constructivistes pour l’éducation STEAM.
Inclusive Space Makers: Empowering all abilities
Deux expériences d’observation au poste de travail qui dureront 4 jours et qui se dérouleront d’abord à Toulouse (France) et enfin à Tárrega (Catalogne, Espagne).
Voir plus de nos activités précédentes dans les archives d'activités ci-dessous.
ce que nous offrons
Pour les jeunes
Tout au long de l’année, nous organisons des ateliers pour les jeunes. Ceux-ci sont généralement gratuits ! Les sujets varient, mais se concentrent toujours sur l’apprentissage par projet. Nous croyons que c’est en faisant que l’on apprend le mieux !
Ces ateliers se déroulent à divers endroits, avec notamment des ateliers locaux à Toulouse et des échanges internationaux permettant aux jeunes de voyager à travers l’Europe.
Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter ou suivez-nous sur Facebook pour rester au courant des dernières opportunités.
Pour les animateurs de jeunesse
Nous offrons également une gamme d’opportunités à ceux qui travaillent avec des jeunes et souhaitent en savoir plus sur la mise en œuvre de la Digital Maker Education dans leur travail.

Nos ateliers et événements se concentrent sur la formation des créateurs et l'apprentissage par projet.

Ils offrent aux animateurs de jeunesse de toute l’Europe des opportunités uniques de se réunir, d’échanger sur les meilleures pratiques et d’en apprendre davantage sur les nouvelles technologies.
Ces cours sont généralement gratuits et portent sur une gamme de sujets numériques créatifs, tels que la fabrication numérique, la musique numérique DIY et les textiles électroniques.
Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour être le premier informé des opportunités à venir.
Archive d'activité
This mobility took place in La Fouillade, France.
For one week, young people from France, Italy, Spain, Romania, Belgium, Greece and Turkey, came together to learn about digital tools and Music.
Read the blog post to learn more about this activity, here.
This mobility took place in Tirana, Alabania.
For one week, youth workers from France, Italy, Greece, Romania, Latvia and Albania came together to learn about different Maker Education techniques and Digital activities that can be used with young people.
Read the blog post to learn more about this activity, here.
This workshop took place in Bologna, Italy.
A collective of artists, musicians and creators were brought together to create two unique interactive installations to provide an underwater sound experience.
Find out more on the Activity Page.
The final Girls in STEM mobility took place in Ghent, Belgium. This workshop brought girls from Poland, France, Spain and Belgium together to learn about Digital Arts.
The workshop lasted for one week and included activities that combined; coding, music making, augmented reality and digital design.
Read more about the experience in the blog post, here.
Digijeunes hosted the second of three Girls in STEM mobilities in Toulouse, France.
A group of 20 girls came from Poland, France, Spain and Belgium and together we learnt about Electronics and E-Textiles.
The workshop lasted for one week and allowed the girls to explore electronics in a new and more creative way.
Read more about the experience in the blog post, here.
The first Girls in STEM mobility took place at the beginning of the Summer in 2021. We were hosted in Valladolid, Spain, where we joined a group of female participants coming from Poland, France, Spain and Belgium. Together, led by De Creatieve STEM, we took part in Reverse Engineering workshops.
This bootcamp lasted for one week and included activities such as 3D scanning, 3D printing and hacking.
Read more about the experience in the blog post, here.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the travel restrictions that results from it, the Digital Hero summer courses took place online.
These workshops were available through the Small Academy online teaching platform (Huge Academy) from June 2021 to October 2021. The consortium of organisations involved in Digital Heroes each led two courses on a range of digital subjects.
Digijeunes delivered courses on E-Textiles and Digital Music Making. Find out more through the blog post, here.
The Inclusive Maker Education online event took place in May 2021. This was an online event hosted by Timelab in Belgium and brought together a range of Youth workers, educators, makers and entrepreneurs from across Europe.
The event explored how Maker education, in and outside of Makerspaces, could be more inclusive and adaptable to different audiences. The event involved breakout rooms, workshops and panels.
Read more about the event, the workshops and panelists through the blog post, here.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible for the Digital Heroes Summer Courses to go ahead in person as planned in Bucharest, Romania. Instead two online courses were provided for participants to explore Arduino and build a hand wash timer.
Read more about the courses in the blog post, here.
This was the 14th International Tool Fair ran by Erasums+, bringing together professional youth workers from across Europe to share best practises and resources.
Chloe from Digijeunes attended the event and led a Digital Maker Education workshop based on our Eggbot activity. Read more about the workshop and the event in the blog post, here.