Here are the results from the fantastic week we spent in Calderara di Reno, a short distance from Bologna in Italy, in October 2021.

An incredible sculpture made purely of waste materials, and taking the form of a giant coral. This installation used light, sound and electronics to stimulate thoughts of the underwater eco-system and the environmental impact of waste, and in particular plastic waste, on our homes and the sea. Here are a few of the photos that were taken at the festivals at which the two sculptures were presented. First at the Boom Cantiere Creativo festival in Calderara de Reno, Italy and the second being the Posidonia Green Festival in Barcelona.
The coral was an interactive installation, creating sound and light sequences when touched by the audience. It was created under the direction of Rocco Pappia and as part of an artist residency and Erasmus+ DIY Music Making training course. Watch the video below to see the final result!
More information on the installation and how it worked can be found on the project page, here.