The final Girls in STEM bootcamp, and this time we were in Ghent, Belgium. The bootcamp ran for a week at the end of October 2021 and for the final time, girls from Poland, Spain, France and Belgium came together to learn about Digital Arts.
Hosted by iDrops, we were staying in a hostel a short walk from the centre, and the activities were hosted in a grand castle!

The week consisted of discovering programming and how this could be used in the world of art. Our main projects for the week involved creating an abstract interactive musical instrument, a paint-bot and augmented reality filters for Instagram and Facebook.

The results were pretty spectacular, and we rounded it all off with a final event to showcase all of the outcomes from this project, including the toolkits which we used in Valladolid and Toulouse.

If you are interested in any of the activities we have been using for these bootcamps, make sure to check out the Girls in STEM project page. Here you will be able to find the Reverse engineering, E-Textiles and Digital Art toolkits which include all the activities that were used in the bootcamps.

Here are few words from one of the participants:
“Une belle expérience qui nous a permis de mêler travail, plaisir et découverte. Nous avons appris des bases d’éléctronique et programmation sur Scratch avec des Microbytes et pris plaisir à personnaliser nos créations : instrument de musique, boîte à toupie… J’ai fait un robot-artiste peintre et un instrument galaxy ! Tout ça dans une ambiance joviale et multiculturelle, entre l’anglais l’espagnol et le néerlandais (au minimum) et dans le cadre idéal d’un château flamand. Très chouette séjour !”