Inclusive Maker Education Event: Call for contributions

The makerspace4inclusion event scheduled for May 20th 2021 is an opportunity to discuss and exchange about maker education. The event will take place online with practical workshops and debate sessions organized by the Makerspace4inclusion team. These will touch upon the deliverables produced by the international consortium as well as our experience relating to maker education and inclusion of young people. Besides the contributions by the Makerspace4inclusion team, we expect to host 5 invited speakers for panel discussions.

Call for contributions – What are we looking for?

We are looking for examples of innovative practices and approaches relating to maker education and inclusive youth work.
By maker education we understand a problem-based and project-based approach to learning.

By inclusive youth work we understand:

  • youth work that celebrates diversity
  • youth work that is accessible to all regardless their socio-economic or educational background
  • youth work that encourages interconnections between individuals from different horizons (ex. different communities, different age ranges)

Contributions can focus on:

  • Previous experiences in the field of inclusive maker education
  • Education and training of youth workers
  • Research on inclusive maker education
  • Development of policies, fundings schemes and programmes in the field of inclusive maker education
  • Development of initiatives in the domain of inclusive maker ed (e.g. festivals hackathons).
  • Tools for inclusive maker education

Each selected proposal will be awarded with 100 eur. We are aiming to select up to 6 proposals.

How to submit a proposal and deadlines

Proposals for contributions should be submitted online by May 12th at 23h59 CET time. You will be expected to take part in a debate on the topic that you prepared with other participants and contributors. The session will last for 25 minutes.

Submit your proposal via this form.
Information about selection results: May 14th 2021.

Download this document for more detailed information.